Emmett Phillips, Rapper & Activist, Des Moines, IA
“Since AAC 2015, I have participated in more hip-hop performances, theatrical productions, and speaking engagements than I have ever done in my life and that momentum is only increasing. I have also started a local ASTEP chapter, completed the ASTEP Volunteer application, and even accepted responsibility in helping grow and develop the ASTEP Leaders Network. ASTEP is a living part of my soul now and I only hope to deepen my involvement as time goes on.“

Adam Odsess-Rubin, Master’s of Art Candidate at New York University, from San Francisco, CA
“The Artists as Citizen Conference at Juilliard changed my life! As a young theater maker looking to make a difference in the world, that week in New York gave me the tools, resources, and community I needed to really make an impact — and have a TON of fun in the process. The AAC inspired me to follow my dreams and pursue my masters in Educational Theatre at NYU — I start this Fall!”

Marisol Demonte, Painter and Program Director for Wingspan Arts, Brooklyn, NY
“I came to the conference with the question ‘What does it mean to be an artist?’ looming over me like a dark cloud. I felt like I had to earn that title. I also came to the conference unemployed, with insecurities about the community I had been raised in. A week later I walked into my neighborhood with a new sense of self. I facilitated art workshops for the youth and approached the adults of Marcy, Brooklyn for their input. I was welcomed with surprise and open arms. Since the conference, I have become a Director for an Arts Enrichment Program with Wingspan Arts. I was able to accomplish these wonderful things because of the support, transparency and resources from our ASTEP community. “

Emma Hathaway, Bachelor’s Candidate at Yale University, New Haven, CT
“ASTEP’s Artist as Citizen Conference could not have come at a better time in my life — summer after freshman year of college, struggling to determine where I was going, what I wanted to be studying, what ‘mattered.’ Each day at the Artist as Citizen Conference left me breathless and hungry for more. Art could matter. I mattered. Beyond the invaluable community participating in the Artist as Citizen Conference opened up to me, I left the conference with a sense of purpose and drive that continues to fuel my work as an artist and educator.”

Midori Samson, Bassoonist for Chicago Civic Orchestra, Chicago, IL
“In my move from Austin to Chicago last fall, I stumbled on the journal I kept during the 2014 AAC Conference. In this journal, I made a list of all the things I wanted to see come into fruition in the coming year. I realized they all came true: I wanted to see the founding of an ASTEP Chapter in Austin; I wanted to see my non-profit return for another residency in Kenya; I wanted to see myself become the best bassoonist I could be. I’m convinced that all of these things came true because the conference launched me into the life I wanted to create. Surrounded by inspiring artists, I was motivated more than ever, and had the tools to make my ideal artist-self into my reality.”